Browsing Archive: November, 2024

Understanding the Ego: The Balancing Act of Identity and Awareness

Posted by Semiral Tuncer on Thursday, November 21, 2024, In : Being Human 

The concept of ego is often misunderstood, yet it plays a crucial role in shaping who we are and how we navigate the world around us. From my perspective, the ego is much like a vital system in our body, akin to the circulatory system. Just as our blood vessels, muscles, and blood work together with their own intelligence to keep us sustained, our ego consists of thought forms that construct our identity and inform our behaviors in society.

Defining Identity

At the heart of the ego lies our...

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Nonviolent Communication: A Path to Compassionate Connection

Posted by Semiral Tuncer on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, In : Communication 

Nonviolent Communication (NVC), often referred to as Compassionate Communication, is a transformative approach that guides us in relating to ourselves and others with empathy and understanding. At its core lies the fundamental belief that every action we take is driven by an innate desire to fulfill our needs. This perspective invites us to adopt an NVC mindset, where we view challenges—whether conflicts with others or personal struggles—as opportunities for connection rather than barrier...

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Why Now? The Common Thread in Meditation: Embracing the Present Moment

Posted by Semiral Tuncer on Monday, November 18, 2024, In : Meditation 

Meditation, in its myriad forms, serves as a powerful tool for grounding ourselves in the present moment. Despite their diverse philosophies and techniques, various meditation methods—whether rooted in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, or dynamic practices—ultimately guide us back to the here and now.

In Buddhism, mindfulness meditation (Samatha) emphasizes focusing on the breath and observing thoughts as they arise. This practice encourages practitioners to cultivate an awareness of the present...

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