To understanding who I am and why I am here

I practice spirituality in action & stillness. Enjoying life in the present moment is the essence of my practice and my continuous intention.

After spending several years studying spirituality intellectually, one day I noticed, or finally woke up, that what liberates you is not the intellect but the practice which centers in silence and stillness. Since then, I have explored various techniques and here I am to share them with you.

With help from Eckhart Tolle's teachings, I realized that various spiritual practices which developed over thousands of years point to the same fundamental truth: be here, now. 

These practices have strength in different areas: Tensegrity and Tai Chi heightens awareness and “realigns” your energy, Yoga brings body awareness, sitting meditation calms the mind and allows direct experience of reality. Ultimately, they are like "different doors" that open to the same "space". And, always, this happens "here, now",

These are just a few practices I connect with, there are others. Try and see which ones you connect with. then practice and go deeper. See what you will find out.    

The purpose of this web site is to list a few spiritual practices that bring "presence" to daily life and  allow us to experience inner peace, joy of life and compassionate love. 


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